Thursday, November 13, 2008

life is tiring.

wanna hear a joke?

There's these three guys - a spic, a white guy, and a black guy. And they walk along the beach, they see this pot, they rub it, and a genie comes out. Genie says, "You wish for anything you want." So, he asks the Mexican what he wants and he goes, "I want all my people in America to be happy and free and in Mexico." Poof! And all the spics are in Mexico. And then he asks the black guy, "What do you want?" And he goes, "I want all my black brothers in America to be back in Africa and happy and everything." So, genie goes poof! And all the blacks in America are in Africa. So the genie says to the white guy, "What's your one wish?" And the white guy goes, "You mean to tell me all the blacks and spics are out of America?" Genie goes, "Yeah." He says, "Well, um, I'll have a Coke then."

oh, Boondock Saints. giggle giggle.


Claire Jones said...

i <3 racist jokes!


Leah said...

haha wow is all I have to say about that joke. It's a good thing we live in the cove or saying that joke might get you mugged. lol