Sunday, November 23, 2008


i absolutely hate it when you have those days where you're completely irritated about everything. and you have no idea why. there's a vague inclination, but really nothing to go on. most likely, it's that little something that has been bothering you for weeks now and it's suddenly on your mind no matter how much you preoccupy yourself. obviously i'm having one of those days. and yeah, obviously i have those days a lot. blagh.

1 comment:

Leah said...

i know exactly what you mean, and i am having one of those days today too. that thing that you have been trying to forget is even bothering you just comes up because there is nothing going on and then it wont go away once it is in your head. yeah hate that. brenna i think deep down inside we might be the same mildly depressed person haha.